
The effects of soil processes, related to the oxidation of sulphide sediments, on heavy metal concentrations in the soil and soil solution were investigated in a Norway spruce stand on a fine-textured, acidic soil rich in sulphates located on the isostatic land-uplift western coast of Finland. The age of the soil is ca. 300–400 years, and the soil texture is silt and till. The chemical properties of the soil and soil solution clearly reflected the formation of acid sulphate (AS) soil. Compared to background reference values for podzolic coniferous forest soil, the pH of the soil solution in the mineral soil (20–40 cm depth) was very low, and the Al, Fe and S concentrations extremely high. The Zn and Ni concentrations in the soil solution were also strongly elevated, and similar to the concentrations reported close to anthropogenic heavy-metal emission sources. The concentrations of Cd and Cu were also frequently elevated. In contrast, the acidity and metal concentrations of the soil solution sampled in the organic layer were not elevated. Similarly, exchangeable Zn and Ni concentrations were also elevated in the mineral soil, but not in the organic layer. Because Norway spruce has a very superficial rooting system and the zone with exceptionally high metal concentrations did not extend up to the topmost soil layers, sulphide-oxidation derived soil acidification is not likely to pose a serious threat to forest ecosystems growing on this type of site. Despite the elevated concentrations of protons and many metals in the mineral soil and soil solution (20–40 cm), the nutrient status of the spruce stand was satisfactory and the general health of the stand has been reported to be relatively good.

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