
Copepods of the family Splanchnotrophidae are very significant parasites of shell-less opisthobranchs, but little information exists on their occurrence, infection frequencies, and local or seasonal abundances. Using a quantitative faunistic approach, 2257 potential hosts belonging to 47 opisthobranch species were collected from 1991 to 1996 off the Chilean and Argentinian coasts, mainly by SCUBA. Endoparasitic splanchnotrophids of the genus Ismaila were found in 303 host specimens, corresponding to a 13% prevalence of infection. The opisthobranch hosts were one sacoglossan, three doridoidean and four aeolidoidean nudibranch species. In total, 12 Chilean opisthobranch species are known to be infected with splanchnotrophids. This amounts to about 20% of all shell-less opisthobranch species from Chile, and a remarkable 26% of all splanchnotrophid hosts worldwide. Infection frequencies are low in most host species, but reached 89–100% in certain populations of Thecacera darwini, Okenia luna, Flabellina sp. 1 and Elysia patagonica, representing the highest rates of infestation by splanchnotrophids ever documented. In Thecacera darwini, the prevalence was very low in northern Chile, consistently high in central Chile, and low in the south. High infestation coupled with a high number of sympatric but host-specific species indicate the coast of central Chile is a centre of Ismaila evolution. The biogeography of splanchnotrophid genera is discussed, and a hypothesis on their distributional history is presented. See also Electronic Supplement (Parts 1 and 2) at http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/02-03.htm

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