
We study thermodynamic aspects of a tractable toy model of holography for extremal Kerr black holes proposed in [1]. On the gravity side, the theory can be described by the worldsheet action of string theory on a warped AdS3 background supported by NS-NS flux. Once we turn on temperature, the deformed background is described by a black string solution of type IIB supergravity that features a locally warped AdS3 factor. The dual field theory is conjectured to be a single-trace version of a Joverline{T} -deformed CFT at finite temperature. As evidence for the correspondence we show that the spectrum of strings winding on the deformed background agrees with the spectrum of Joverline{T} -deformed CFTs. Furthermore, we show that the gravitational charges of the black string match the averaged charges of a thermal ensemble in the dual field theory. Finally, we reproduce the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the black string from the microscopic density of states of Joverline{T} -deformed CFTs.


  • One approach towards holography for realistic black holes is the Kerr/CFT correspondence [7]

  • We study thermodynamic aspects of a tractable toy model of holography for extremal Kerr black holes proposed in [1]

  • The theory can be described by the worldsheet action of string theory on a warped AdS3 background supported by NS-NS flux

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The J Tdeformation

We describe some of the salient features of the JTdeformation of twodimensional CFTs. We will reproduce these features holographically using the single trace version of the JTdeformation in string theory

Review of the spectrum
Conformal weight
String theory and J Tdeformations
The warped massless BTZ background
Warped BTZ and J Tat finite temperature
Warped BTZ from TsT transformations
Worldsheet deformation
Strings on warped BTZ
Noether currents and winding strings
Spectrum via spectral flow
Matching the spectrum to J T
Thermodynamics of warped BTZ
Charges and thermodynamic potentials
Matching the entropy to J T
Warping global AdS
A Geodesics and winding strings in warped BTZ
B Chiral current-current deformation
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