
In this article newly developed heating and cooling hybrid system is discussed. The system combines a heat pump, heating boiler and solar air heater. Low temperature source of heat pump is a gas mixture composed of waste warm gases, like inside used ventilation air, flue gases of heating boiler (smock), as well as outside air, heated in solar air heater. The evaporator of heat pump is installed in waste warm gases mixing chamber, aiming at avoiding the main disadvan¬tage of ordinary air sourced heat pump, in case of which the evaporator surface in wintertime is covered with ice crust that obstructs movement of air through the evaporator of heat pump. To solve the problem it is suggested to create a mixture of waste warm gases gathered in a gas mixing chamber and serving as heat source. A method for calculation and design of the new system was developed for both winter heating and summer cooling of a building. The energy and economic investigation based on mathematical model proved rather high cost effectiveness and energy efficiency of developed heating and cooling hybrid system.

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