
Heathcliffs deformed character was the focus of this study. The study suggested the radical persona in Emily Brontes narrative "Wuthering Heights," in 1847. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the characteristics of Heathcliffs character since he is the central figure in the story, as well as the circumstances that led to the development of the psychological disorder and the detrimental consequences of having psychological problems. Wuthering Heights serves as the object of this study. The technique of psychoanalysis is used in this analysis. Heathcliff is a major character that was examined, his revolutionary personality may be broken down into three different structures of personality. This was based on a psychoanalytic interpretation. Id, Ego, and Superego are the three components that make up a person's character according to the theory of Sigmund Freud. It was clear that Heathcliff suffered from a personality disorder. It might be shown by the presentation of some data that proves the circumstances of a narcissistic personality disorder. The major issue of this paper's analysis is Heathcliffs developing nature, which is shown by the way he strives for his ambitions. The novel may be evaluated using psychoanalytic theory since it describes human life experiences with intimate ties to psych. Heathcliff's identity is figured out by his social circumstances. His emotional and behavioural development is shaped by his life experiences and becomes a part of him. From early infancy, a person's identity is figured out by their social interests. Heathcliff does not meet the prerequisites for healthy interaction between individuals and society because he needs societal status, which harms his progress. Heathcliff is socially awkward from an early age. Heathcliffs courage has been weakened by the loss of his foster father after the death of Mr Earnshaw.

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