
The static pressure drop and both the local and average heat-transfer coefficients were measured for the horizontal annular flow of water and air in a tube with an I.D. of 1 in. The electrically heated stainless steel heat-transfer section 60 in long was located approximately 105 in downstream of liquid injection. Tube wall temperatures were measured by fifty-seven buried and twenty-two surface thermocouples. The water flow rate varied from 0.0714 to 0.3836 lb/s; the air flow rate, from 0.0300 to 0.2573 lb/s; and the heat flux, from 7372 to 12772 Btu/h ft 2. Sizeable circumferential variations in tube wall temperatures were observed at low air flow rates. A correlation for the heat-transfer coefficients was obtained. The pressure drop data agreed well with the Lockhart-Martinelli correlation and the prediction of the Wrobel-McManus wave roughness theory.

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