
Poultry industries in the tropics are challenged by high ambient temperatures and h u midities which cause poultr y suffer from heat stress. Heat stress contributes to the instability of certain compounds, such as enzymes . Consequently the enzymes function reduces. A ffecting the physiological and hormonal conditions of the poultry. In such condition, the body will attempt to restore homeostasis to the state before it happened. When physiological failed to meet the condition, the body will use the genetic pathway by activating Heat Shock Protein (HSP) genes to protect proteins which are sensitive to high temperatures. H eat stress in poultry triggers the emergence of various diseases and affects the growth of poultry and egg production. T he se negative effect s on poultr y can be minimized by selecting the type of chickens which are tolerant to high ambient temperature, modifying microclimates of cages and adding anti-stress compounds through feed and or drink. Key words : H eat stress, heat shock protein , physiological conditions, poultry


  • Poultry industries in the tropics are challenged by high ambient temperatures and humidities which cause poultry suffer from heat stress

  • Heat stress contributes to the instability of certain compounds, such as enzymes

  • When physiological failed to meet the condition, the body will use the genetic pathway by activating Heat Shock Protein (HSP) genes to protect proteins which are sensitive to high temperatures

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Mohammad Hasil Tamzil

Budidaya ternak unggas di daerah tropis dihadapkan dengan tingginya suhu lingkungan yang menyebabkan ternak menderita stres panas. Stres panas menyebabkan labilnya senyawa-senyawa tertentu, seperti enzim, sehingga enzim tidak dapat berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya dan selanjutnya mempengaruhi kondisi fisiologis dan hormonal di dalam tubuh ternak unggas. Tubuh berusaha untuk mengembalikan homeostasis seperti sebelum terjadi stres. Maka tubuh akan menggunakan jalur genetik dengan mengaktifkan gen Heat Shock Protein (HSP) untuk melindungi proteinprotein yang sensitif pada suhu tinggi. Stres panas pada ternak unggas memicu munculnya berbagai macam penyakit serta mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan produksi telur. Untuk mengurangi pengaruh stres panas pada ternak unggas, usaha yang dapat dilakukan adalah seleksi ke arah terbentuknya jenis ayam yang toleran pada pemeliharaan suhu tinggi, mengatur mikroklimat kandang serta penambahan senyawa-senyawa antistres melalui pakan dan atau air minum

Terdapat pada lokasi spesifik
Protein folding
Kontrol Stres panas
Konsumsi pakan
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