
Heat stress and cutaneous capsaicin application act independently to reduce mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) at rest. The present study investigated whether a mixed intervention might alleviate to a greater extent the hypertensive response to isometric exercise. An end-exercise systolic blood pressure (SBP) lower than 215 mmHg or higher than 220 mmHg was set for the inclusion in the group observed with typical (CON, n = 9) or hypertensive (HRE, n = 8) response to dynamic exercise, respectively. The participants performed four trials held in thermoneutral (TN:23 °C) or hot (HT:33 °C) conditions with capsaicin (CA:4.8 mg·patch−1) or placebo (PL) patches (12 × 18 cm2) applied to their two quadriceps, left pectoralis major and left scapula. The trials comprised: a 5 min baseline period preceding patch application, a 30 min rest period and a 5 min isometric handgrip exercise (20% maximal voluntary contraction, 10.1 ± 1.9 kg). Thermoregulatory and cardiovascular data were analyzed using mixed three-way ANOVA. End-resting MAP and pain sensation were higher in PL-TN (p = 0.008) and CA-HT (p = 0.012), respectively. End-exercise SBP tended to be higher in HRE individuals across environments (p = 0.10). Total peripheral resistance and MAP remained lower in HT across groups (p < 0.05). Despite the alleviating effect of the heat stressor, an augmented burning sensation-induced peripheral vasoconstriction might have blunted the pressure-lowering action of capsaicin.

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