
Nowadays the development of science and industrial production requires the creation of new materials, able to serve in hard conditions of external action, including high gradient temperatures, intensive impact load, as well as, in the conditions of aggressive atmosphere, hard friction regime and wear. Perspective direction, while developing such materials, is a partial and full refusal from traditional connecting hard alloys – transition material of iron group, which does not possess the required heat resistance, high-temperature strength and corrosion resistance. The usage as an alternative of a connecting phase of intermetallic compound TiNi allows increasing such characteristics. The paper is devoted to the research of the peculiarities of heat-resistant hard tungstunfree alloys of the system of TiC – TiNi in dependence on the volume content of the components in the conditions of oxidizing heating from room temperature to 900 and 1100 °С in a furnace with the heating rate of 5 °С/min. It has been established that the usage of cementing connecting phase TiNi allows increasing heat resistance and corrosion resistance of hard alloys based on TiC with intermetallics of TiNi in comparison with alloys of VK3M, VK8, T30K4 and TN – 20.


  • It has been established that the usage of cementing connecting phase TiNi allows increasing heat resistance and corrosion resistance of hard alloys based on TiC with intermetallics of TiNi in comparison with alloys of VK3M, VK8, T30K4 and TN – 20

  • Твердые сплавы системы TiC – TiNi при достаточно высоких (700 – 1100 °С) температурах обладают высокой жаростойкостью

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ЖАРОСТОЙКОСТЬ БЕЗВОЛЬФРАМОВЫХ ТВЕРДЫХ СПЛАВОВ TiC – TiNi В ЗАВИСИМОСТИ ОТ ОБЪЕМНОГО СОСТАВА В работе исследованы особенности жаростойкости твердых безвольфрамовых сплавов системы TiC – TiNi в зависимости от объемного содержания компонентов в условиях окислительного высокотемпературного нагрева от комнатной температуры до 900 и 1100 °С в печи со скоростью нагрева 5 °С/мин. Установлено, что применение цементирующей связующей фазы TiNi позволяет повысить жаростойкость, коррозионную стойкость твердых сплавов на основе TiC с интерметаллидом TiNi в сравнении со сплавами BK3M, BK8, T30K4, TH – 20.

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