
By adapting a technique of Molchanov, we obtain the heat kernel asymptotics at the sub-Riemannian cut locus, when the cut points are reached by an r-dimensional parametric family of optimal geodesics. We apply these results to the bi-Heisenberg group, that is, a nilpotent left-invariant sub-Rieman\-nian structure on ℝ5 depending on two real parameters α1 and α2. We develop some results about its geodesics and heat kernel associated to its sub-Laplacian and we illuminate some interesting geometric and analytic features appearing when one compares the isotropic (α1=α2) and the non-isotropic cases (α1≠α2). In particular, we give the exact structure of the cut locus, and we get the complete small-time asymptotics for its heat kernel.

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