
Heat-induced hormesis in longevity is the increase in life span resulting from the previous exposure to a mild heat stress early in life. Here we examined heat-induced hormesis of Drosophila buzzatii in five mass-mating populations, which were derived from five wild populations along an elevation gradient from 202 to 1855m above sea level in North-Western Argentina. Five day old flies were exposed to 37.5°C for 90min to induce hormesis and its possible variation across altitudinal populations. This heat treatment strongly extended longevity in lowland-derived flies from the most heat-resistant population only. Both heat-induced effects on longevity and heat-knockdown time (heat-stress sensitivity) were negatively correlated to altitude of population of origin. Hormesis was positively correlated to heat-knockdown time across populations. These results indicate that variation in heat-induced hormesis can not be considered as independent of heat-stress sensitivity (or heat-knockdown time) in populations of insects.

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