
One hundred and thirty five 18weeks old Bovans Nera Black strain pullets were used in a 10week study to determine their heat balance and blood profile under varying stocking density in locally fabricated metal-type cage system. The cages were stocked 2, 3 and 4birds/cell. Daily ambient temperature and relative humidity of the cage and rectal temperature of the birds were taken and heat balance calculated. Record of Packed cell volume (PCV), Haemoglobin concentration (Hb), Red blood cell (RBC), White blood count (WBC) and differential of the birds were taken at beginning and end of the study for the haematological indices while blood glucose, total protein, Albumin and blood urea were taken for the bio-chemical measurements. Ambient temperature, relative humidity, and heat balance showed no significant (P>0.05) difference with cage stocking density. Cage stocking density had significant (P<0.05) effect on rectal temperature of layers. Bird stocked 3/cell recorded the least (41.14oC) rectal temperature while those stocked 4/cell recorded the highest (41.27oC). All the haematological parameters of the birds were not significantly (P>0.05) influenced by stocking density of the cage type. Bio-chemical measurements were not significantly (P>0.05) different among layers under varying stocking density of the cage except total protein (P<0.05). Layers stocked 4/cell recorded highest (5.22g/dl) total protein while those stocked 3/cell had the least value (4.37g/dl). However, the values were within the normal range recommended for healthy chicken. The study concluded that locally fabricated metal-type battery cage could be used to rear layers and stocking density of 3birds/cell is ideal without compromising the welfare of the birds.

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