
Enthalpy exchangers have been used as an efficient means to recover both sensible heat and moisture from exhaust ventilation air. A cross-flow plate-fin structure is the most popular arrangement for the exchanger core due to its compactness and high mechanical strength even with very small channel wall thickness. Traditionally, hygroscopic paper is selected as the plate and fin materials. Though the sensible effectiveness with this material is satisfactorily high, the latent effectiveness is disappointingly low due to the low moisture diffusivity in paper. To solve this problem, in this study, a novel concept is proposed to augment moisture transfer in the exchanger. Plates and fins are made with different materials. A novel membrane – the composite supported liquid membrane (CSLM) is used as the plate material. Paper is still used as the fin material for its cheapness and high support strength. To make comparisons, two cores, one is paper-fin and paper-plate, and another one is paper-fin and membrane-plate, are constructed and tested for heat and moisture recovery. Simultaneous heat and moisture transfer in the plate-fin core is studied. Mathematical model governing the heat and moisture transfer in the cores is set up and numerically solved. Both the experimental data and numerical results indicate that the latent effectiveness of the paper-fin and membrane-plate core is 60% higher than the traditional paper-fin and paper-plate core, due to the high moisture diffusivity in the CSLM.

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