
We evaluated heartwood, sapwood and bark content in teak trees. A total of 27 sample plots were laid out in teak plantations raised by State Forest Department in Karnataka covering different age groups (11–36 years), density (516–2061 trees/ha) and sites. From these plantations, a total of 130 trees were felled for estimating the yield and bark content in relation to diameter at breast height (DBH), age and density. Bark content ranged from 22.2%–54.3%. Heartwood and sapwood content were analyzed by sampling five trees each from two different plantations, one 30 years old at 553 trees·ha−1 and the other 32 years old at 911 trees·ha−1. The highest heartwood proportion of stem wood volume (over-bark) was 56.3% and the lowest was 37.1%. The sapwood proportion ranged from 12.9%–23.0%, while the bark content ranged from 27.8%–43.5%. The heartwood proportion increased with DBH, while the proportion of bark decreased. The sapwood proportion did not vary with DBH. The bark content decreased with increasing age, but increased with stand density. There was no significant difference in heartwood content with respect to age or stand density because the ages of the two stands were similar. A larger dataset from young to mature stands is needed to describe the relationships between age and stand density and heartwood, sapwood and bark content of trees.

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