
We have previously created transgenic pigs bearing the human complement regulatory proteins CD59 and decay-accelerating factor (DAF) by either the intercellular transfer or the cDNA transgenic method. To achieve more physiologic protein expression, we constructed a new line of transgenic pigs with CD59 and DAF human genomic clones. We transplanted these CD59/DAF transgenic pig hearts into baboons immunosuppressed with cyclosporine, methylprednisone or leflunomide/mofetil mycophenolate. The four wild-type hearts survived for 20-80 min, whereas the four CD59/DAF hearts functioned for 85-130 h. Immunohistochemical staining showed levels of CD59 and DAF protein expression similar to that in human hearts. Wild-type and transgenic hearts demonstrate a similar level of IgM deposition, although transgenic hearts suffered less hyperacute rejection and thus less membrane attack complex deposition. The histology of the transgenic grafts after explant was consistent with acute vascular rejection, with a high level of IgG deposit compared with wild-type control. We conclude that this new line of CD59/DAF transgenic pigs express high levels of the transgene products, which conferred longer survival because of better protection from hyperacute rejection. Similar to previous transgenic pigs, however, these animals suffered from delayed xenograft rejection.

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