
This paper presents a prototype for the monitoring of Heartbeat rate. A Heart Beat (HB) sensor is being developed for acquainting the input signals using Light Dependent Resistance (LDR) and Light Emitting Diode (LED). It senses the heartbeat of a person and converts it in the form of electrical signals and pulses. The signals are amplified using a signal conditioning circuit and processed by a controller. The frequency of the signal depends on the heartbeat rate, this lays down the basic principle of the HB measuring system. The user needs to put his/her finger in the HB sensor for acquiring the input signals. Although number of methods has been proposed and implemented in this domain yet the proposed system in this text provides a simpler and robust method for measuring the heart rate. The proposed system is being implemented on the hardware and also simulated in Proteus ISIS 7.10 to prove its effectiveness. The proposed model is much more precise, straightforward and cheaper than other heartbeat rate measuring systems. This work has tried to make an easy and stout system for the monitoring of heart beat.

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