
Objectives: Skiing is practiced by the security forces posted at mountain areas for patrolling, securing borders, taking up rescue missions and sometimes as recreational activities. A study was planned to assess physiological and mental stress of a military ski activity through the measurement of heart rate (HR) variability, task load and perceived exertion. Materials and Methods: Eleven healthy Indian soldiers, trained with skiing techniques, participated in a 15 km skiing with 22 kg equipment at a predetermined snowy mountainous track. Pre- and post-exercise HR and HR variability (HRV) were recorded (bio-harness, Zephyr, USA) and questionnaires, namely NASA task load index (NASA-TLX) and Borg’s rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale, were filled after exercise. Time and frequency domain parameters such as HR, variations between successive RR intervals (RMSSD), standard deviation of RR (SDNN) and percentage value of NN50 (pNN50), low- and high-frequency bands (LF and HF %) and LF/HF ratio were derived using Kubios software. Student’s t (paired) test was applied to compare pre- and post-exercise HRV parameters and Pearson’s correlation was applied to observe interdependencies between HRV and subjective scores. Results: The findings depicted increase in post-exercise HR and decrease in overall HRV (both significant). Besides this, there was an increase in LF (significant) and LF/HF ratio (insignificant). Such response shows sympathetic dominance over parasympathetic domain of autonomic nervous system. The physical and mental stress experienced during the exercise was also expressed through high physical demand (79 out of 100) and high overall task load (total score – 77 out of 100) of the NASA-TLX and a moderately heavy RPE score (14 out of 20). Conclusion: The pre- and post-exercise differences in physiological variables ensured the presence of physical stress along with dominance of sympathetic nervous system. Overall task load was depicted with high subjective ratings. Carrying out skiing task in an environment infested with cold, wind chill, moderate hypoxia at a snowy and mountainous track possibly has induced the observed physiological and mental stress to the participants. Such findings are important to understand exact requirements of the mountain warfare events carried out by the forces.

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