
In chick and mouse, heart fields undergo dynamic morphological spatiotemporal changes during heart tube formation. Here, the dynamic change in spatial polarity of such fields is discussed and a new perspective on the heart fields is proposed. The heart progenitor cells delaminate through the primitive streak and migrate in a semicircular trajectory craniolaterally forming the bilateral heart fields as part of the splanchnic mesoderm. They switch their polarity from anteroposterior to mediolateral. The anterior intestinal portal posterior descent inverts the newly formed heart field mediolateral polarity into lateromedial by 125° bending. The heart fields revert back to their original anteroposterior polarity and fuse at the midline forming a semi heart tube by completing their half circle movement. Several names and roles were assigned to different portions of the heart fields: posterior versus anterior, first versus second, and primary versus secondary heart field. The posterior and anterior heart fields define basically physical fields that form the inflow-outflow axis of the heart tube. The first and second heart fields are, in contrast, temporal fields of differentiating cardiomyocytes expressing myosin light chain 2a and undifferentiated and proliferating precardiac mesoderm expressing Isl1 gene, respectively. The two markers present a complementary pattern and are expressed transiently in all myocardial lineages. Thus, Isl1 is not restricted to a portion of the heart field or one of the two heart lineages as has been often assumed.

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