
Recent studies provide evidence for changes in audiovisual perception as well as for adaptive cross-modal auditory cortex plasticity in older individuals with high-frequency hearing impairments (presbycusis). We here investigated whether these changes facilitate the use of visual information, leading to an increased audiovisual benefit of hearing-impaired individuals when listening to speech in noise. We used a naturalistic design in which older participants with a varying degree of high-frequency hearing loss attended to running auditory or audiovisual speech in noise and detected rare target words. Passages containing only visual speech served as a control condition. Simultaneously acquired scalp electroencephalography (EEG) data were used to study cortical speech tracking. Target word detection accuracy was significantly increased in the audiovisual as compared to the auditory listening condition. The degree of this audiovisual enhancement was positively related to individual high-frequency hearing loss and subjectively reported listening effort in challenging daily life situations, which served as a subjective marker of hearing problems. On the neural level, the early cortical tracking of the speech envelope was enhanced in the audiovisual condition. Similar to the behavioral findings, individual differences in the magnitude of the enhancement were positively associated with listening effort ratings. Our results therefore suggest that hearing-impaired older individuals make increased use of congruent visual information to compensate for the degraded auditory input.

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