
At present, no consensus has been reached on the compartmental subdivision of the jugular foramen (JF), which can complicate surgical planning in this area and hinder understanding of foraminal tumor growth patterns. The extradural neural axis compartment (EDNAC) might aid in producing a standardized model in the future. In the present review, we have summarized the models of JF compartmentalization and analyzed how sound they are anatomically.The present narrative review identified the key studies and supporting reports that had discussed, referenced, or first presented models of JF compartmentalization.Three intraforaminal components serve as the basis for JF compartmentalization: the fibro-osseous bridge, neurovascular contents, and EDNAC. A total of 4 models have been proposed to date. These include the 2-part (bipartite) models by Hovelacque (1934) and Shapiro (1972) and the 3-part (tripartite) subdivisions by Katsuta (1997) and Bernard (2018).The bipartite model has been criticized as being oversimplified and lacking surgical validity. However, support for this compartmentation has persisted despite the increasing popularity of the tripartite model. The 3-part subdivision of Bernard can be considered the most anatomically faithful model to date owing to the consideration of the dura and EDNAC. It is important that future studies consider the entire anatomy of the JF, which may generate an anatomically accurate and surgically applicable compartmental model.

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