
As a result of changes in the governance of health and social care organizations across developed welfare states they are under increasing pressure to work in partnership with each other (at an organizational and inter-professional level) and with the private and voluntary sector. Drawing on a comparative literature review of the theoretical and empirical evidence from health and social care partnerships across developed welfare states, this paper aims to examine the policy drivers behind such changes and the effects the changes have had on the governance of health and social care, the results for service commissioners and practitioners, and particularly the results for patients and service users. It examines some of the evidence that suggests that patient/user involvement and outcomes may at best be unaffected, and at worst be negatively compromised by shifts towards increasing partnership working in health and social care. It will conclude by discussing what lessons can be drawn about service re-organization and user involvement in welfare organizations generally, and how best to protect the interests of vulnerable and disenfranchised groups of service users.

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