
The acceleration of stunting reduction is stated in the Perpres No. 72 Tahun 2021. Jambi Province has prevalence of stunted toddlers as 22.4%. Kerinci Regency has been stated as the second highest prevalence of stunted toddler in Jambi, namely 26.7%. The risk factors for stunting are closely related to fulfilling optimal nutrition during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under two years of age (First 1000 Days of Life). Fulfillment of nutrition comes from availability and access to nutritious food. The aim of this community service activity is to provide DASHAT (Healthy Kitchens Overcoming Stunting) assistance based on family farming in Jujun Village, Kerinci with the target group is the First 1000 Days of Life, namely pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and toddlers. This activity includes: (1) FGD (Focus Group Discussion) integration of DASHAT and family farming as a solution to overcome stunting; (2) Education of DASHAT implementation sourced from family farming; and (3) Demonstration of local food menu processing from animal protein foods. The community service activities which has been implemented is capable to increase the understanding of TP-PKK cadres in the application of DASHAT (test score increase of 6.7 points) and demonstrate the processing of local food menus to prevent stunting, like gulai ikan sebarau.

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