
Healthy and sustainable diets are necessary for global development goals, but people struggle to modify their eating behaviours which are often habitual and resistant to change. However, disruption can provide the impetus for change, and in the present research we view the Covid-19 pandemic as a potential catalytic disruption with the potential to induce positive behaviour change. Data were obtained from ~900 USA adults, of which 44% self-reported to have made positive dietary change/s. Those who did so tended to be younger rather than older and with higher educational attainment. They also were less food neophobic than people who did not make positive change/s and placed greater importance on health as a motive of daily decisions about what to eat and drink. The contribution of psychographic variables in differentiating between groups of people who did / did not make positive changes once again show their importance in uncovering and explaining the complex factors that motivate food-related consumer behaviour. It seems this holds also when daily lives are disrupted by unforeseen events.

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