
Elderly population in the Asian countries is increasing at a very fast rate. Lack of healthcare resources and infrastructure in many countries makes the task of provding proper healthcare difficult. Internet of things (IoT) in healthcare can address the problem effectively. Patient care is possible at home using IoT devices. IoT devices are used to collect different types of data. Various algorithms may be used to analyse data. IoT devices are connected to the internet and all the data of the patients with various health reports are available online and hence security issues arise. IoT sensors, IoT communication technologies, IoT gadgets, components of IoT, IoT layers, cloud and fog computing, benefits of IoT, IoT-based algorithms, IoT security issues, and IoT challenges are discussed in the chapter. Nowadays global epidemic COVID19 has demolished the economy and health services of all the countries worldwide. Usefulness of IoT in COVID19-related issues is explained here.

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