
Due to the demographic change healthcare for older people is becoming more important. Akey strategic document for the near future is the national dementia strategy (NDS), which defines four fields of action including promoting excellent research on dementia. The NDS will guide and influence the further development of dementia healthcare research in the coming years. The current research on specific NDS topics is presented and an outlook on expected developments is given. This article provides anarrative review in which concepts and examples for selected sections of the NDS are presented: funding and promotion of healthcare research, development of evidence-based prevention and healthcare concepts and transfer into routine care, support for people with dementia (PwD) and their caregiver, cross-sectoral networking, participation in dementia research and networks in healthcare research. These were analyzed with respect to future developments and concretized based on current healthcare and promotion models. Insights are given into the healthcare concept of dementia care management, rethinking regional healthcare models such as medicine and e‑health. The innovation fund and research practice networks are described as examples of current structural methods of evidence-based design of future healthcare. The NDS represents an ambitious agenda with very comprehensive goals and topics for the improvement of healthcare for PwD and will probably significantly influence healthcare research and thus healthcare in the future. Overarching, mutually influencing and strengthening components on the way to improvement of the situation for PwD and the healthcare system are translation, participation and networking in research.

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