
To describe healthcare experiences and health outcomes among rural LGBTQ + individuals. 2022 cross-sectional survey. Southern Illinois. 85 individuals. Demographics, sexual orientation and gender identity, healthcare experiences, health outcomes. Experiences and outcomes were assessed vs orientation and identity. Distribution comparison was by t-test and chi-square, risk prediction by logistic regression, and significance assumed at P < .050. By orientation, participants were: 35.3% gay, 16.5% lesbian, and 45.8% bisexual plus; and by identity they were: 49.4% cisgender, 25.9% transgender, and 24.8% other identity. Survey item responses ranged from 95%-99%. Compared to gay men, lesbians and bisexual plus individuals more frequently reported medical bill payment difficulty (58.3% and 57.9% vs 25.0%; P = .020) and more past month days of poor mental health (19.4 and 15.8 vs 10.6; P = .018). Compared to heterosexual and other identity, transgender individuals less frequently reported having a routine medical provider (72.7% vs 92.7% and 95.0%; P = .037) and more frequently reported past healthcare denial (45.5% vs 17.5% and 18.8%; P = .042). Current health was associated with medical bill payment ability (OR = .33, 95% CI = .13-.86) and respectful treatment by healthcare administrators (OR = 3.90, 95% CI = 1.34-11.35) and clinicians (OR = 3.82, 95% CI = 1.39-10.47). Significance of some findings likely limited due to sample size. Our data describes healthcare experience and health outcome disparities among rural lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and other sexual and gender minority individuals, and indicate that clinical experiences directly influence health outcomes.

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