
Healthcare devices play an essential role in tracking and managing patient’s safety. However, the complexities of healthcare devices often remain ambiguous due to hardware, software, or the interoperable healthcare system problems. There are essentially two critical factors for targeting healthcare: First, healthcare data is the most valuable entity on the dark web; and the second, it is the easiest to hack. Data pilferage has become a major hazard for healthcare organizations as the hackers now demand ransom and threaten to disclose the sensitive data if not paid within the stipulated timeline. The present study enlists a thorough research on the data violation cases and the possibilities of data infringements likely to happen in the next five years. This paper discusses about the healthcare device, security of healthcare and year wise security flaws. Healthcare data breaches analysis and forecasting of data breaches and causes of breaches also discussed. Open research challenges and future directions for healthcare industries also discussed.

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