
The author of the article as a researcher reports on the health status of the women students of Diamond Harbour Women University based on food chart, weight and height measurement, blood hemoglobin test with an option on Thalassemia and Blood Sugar test done to record the genetically impounded symptoms present in them. Though the respondents hail from the reserved category and /or economically weaker families, their eagerness towards higher education encouraged the researcher to observe the level of health and nutritional awareness in them while the urge for education override all. The field survey done under the ICSSR Senior Fellowship Scheme is entailed through the analysis of Government documents including 2011 census report National Family Health Survey Report 4 (NFHS 4) and the District Human Development Report 2009. Also papers and articles have been evaluated as a guide to the present research. The data collection on the educated women communities are done in the Diamond Harbour Women University and the evaluation of the data is done by a team of medical practitioner, Nutritionist and Psycho Analyst while information on personal and impersonal survey is collected through questionnaire and direct interaction followed by random survey. The arrangement for field survey demanded occasional and need based involvement of medical practitioner to investigate significant cases of special nature. The overall aim of the research is to set up a cue to the family socio-economic condition and its correlation with women nutritional position. The data collection method was innovative because it was conducted following students to student interaction in the class room situation.

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