
After ten years of debate and discussion, the political situation within Poland finally allows the possibility to implement basic reforms in the health care system. Parallel development of the political and technical aspects of the reform has now lead to a final proposal for fundamental reforms in health system responsibility, financing and management. This article describes the current conceptual developments and the political and social context for these final reform proposals at the time of their submission to the government. The primary changes suggested are aimed at increasing the awareness of local, regional and national administrations, health care professionals and the general public that health care has a cost, and that resources must be used carefully if they are to cover health needs. In addition, ‘health care’ as a term must be extended to include factors and activities besides direct medical services. Such factors as air and water quality, diet, smoking and alcohol consumptions are examples of matters which will also be included in the focus of health system planners. A key element of the organisational reforms is decentralisation of responsibility for health care planning and administration within the framework of nationally set standards and priorities. Based on local decisions, the current basic organisation unit of health care delivery, the ZOZ or integrated health care units, will be redefined and either decomposed into their component services or receive newly defined responsibilities more adapted to the local realities of available manpower and medical facilities. In addition, the development of a private health care sector complementing and even competing with the public services sector will be actively encouraged.

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