
A coup attempt against the government took place in Turkey on July 15, 2016. This attempt caused serious injuries and deaths in the country. In this study, the data of patients referred to all hospitals in Istanbul during the attempt were evaluated, and differences between natural disasters, other terrorist actions, and coup attempts were analyzed. In total, 1104 patients were injured in the abovementioned coup attempt. In this study, the demographic and health information of 882 coup victims who were admitted to all hospitals (state and private) in Istanbul on July 15 and 16, 2016 and registered at the Crisis Center of Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate was analyzed. Of the 882 patients evaluated, 97.27% were male and 2.73% were female. The mean age of the patients was 34.12 years. Most (82.43%) patients were admitted to state hospitals, and 17.57% were admitted to private hospitals. The total mortality rate due to the abovementioned coup attempt was 10.4% (9.76% in state hospitals and 13.54% in private hospitals). Of the 882 patients evaluated, 65.07% had gunshot injuries, 11.11% had been assaulted, 7.70% had experienced tank/motor vehicle accidents, 5.44% had other penetrating injuries, 5.32% had soft-tissue trauma, 2.83% had experienced falls (including falls from heights), 0.33% had psychiatric disorders, and 2.15% were admitted for other reasons. The patterns of injury and mortality resulting from the July 15, 2016 coup attempt differed from those resulting from natural disasters and terrorist acts and were similar to those encountered during wars: the victims were predominantly male, similar to those in wars. Following a coup attempt, an increase in the number of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder can be expected. Further studies focusing on the incidence of this disorder due to the abovementioned coup attempt in Turkey are needed. Hospital disaster plans need to include information and plans related to terrorist acts, such as coup attempts.

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