
The aim of the present study was to assess the health related quality of life of adult diabetic patients using the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) as a measure. A further aim was to describe different Quality of Life (QOL) outcomes in different treatment groups of diabetes. The target population consisted of all registered adult (18 years or older) diabetic patients (n = 2519) in the district of Oulu, a city of 100 000 inhabitants in Northern Finland. All these persons were invited to participate in a screening examination for diabetic retinopathy, and the NHP questionnaire was mailed along with this invitation. A total of 1804 patients (72%) returned the NHP questionnaire when they came to the fundus photography session. The data were analysed by using mean values of NHP dimensions with the 95% confidence intervals (CI) and the logistic regression analysis to predict the risk (OR) for having at least one health problem in a particular dimension. The results indicated that patients with tablet treatment had significantly lower QOL levels than the 'general population' in all NHP dimensions. The diet treatment group patients had lower QOL levels than the 'general population' only in the 'Sleep' and 'Social isolation' dimensions. The diet group had a significantly better QOL level in all six dimensions of QOL of NHP than the tablet treatment or combined treatment (patients treated with tablets and insulin) groups. The tablet treatment and combined treatment groups did not differ significantly in any of the NHP dimensions. The logistic models testing the presence of at least one problem in the NHP dimensions showed that the number of other diseases increased the risk of having QOL problems in all dimensions and duration of the diabetes and the age of the patient had risk increasing effects in four NHP dimensions while the gender had only a small effect on the QOL in diabetic patients. The study shows that the NHP questionnaire as a general measure of the QOL reveals differences in the QOL between the different treatment groups and between diabetic patients and general population.

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