
AbstractBackgroun an aim: Like other chronic diseases, hypertension is closely related with lifestyle, mental health and quality of life. The goal of this study was Determination of health related quality of life in hypertensive patients.Materials and Methods: The study was Descriptive, samples were chosen by using convenience sampling and according to characteristics of samples and Their willingness to participate in the study. The data gathering tools in this study were Social and personal information (demographic) forms, and health-related quality of life questionnaire. (SF-36). Clinical research environment at selected hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences consist of Hazrat Rasoul Akram Hospital, Imam Khomeini Hospital, and Shahid Rajai. To determine the relationship between The main variable and demographic variables and use ANOVA and T-Test, we entered variables that were significant in our regression model.Findings: 264 patients with hypertension take part in this study. Most of Participants were male and their age was in range of 40-60 years old. Mean of quality of life among hypertensive patients was 55. 33. There was a statistically significant relationship between quality of life and job, information about the disease, other chronic diseases and medication groups.Conclusion: The study shows that there health related quality of life is low in hypertensive patients.Key words: health related quality of life, hypertension REFERENCES Ahangari M., Kamali M., Arjomand Hesabi M.( 2008) [A study of quality of life among older people with hypertension. Journal of Salmand ]. 3(7)26-32.(Persian). Amar J, Chamontin B, Genes N, Cantet C, Salvador M. and Cambou JP. 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