
Abstract Background For an intervention to contribute to decreased health gaps, people living in underserved areas must participate in the research-to-action process during the development of the intervention. Methods for increased engagement and participation have been developed within the community-based participatory research (CBPR) paradigm. Group Level Assessment (GLA) is a qualitative, participatory methodology that is designed for a large group to generate and evaluate relevant needs and priorities within a lens of action for positive social change. Influence of researchers is tuned down in favour of partnership and impact from the community. Ideally, the process results in participant-driven data and relevant action plans. The aim was to apply GLA to generate reflections on the situation in the community, aligning towards action for change. Methods We applied GLA together with people living in Gårdsten, an underserved Swedish suburb where obesity, caries and other illnesses are prevalent. Residents were recruited by posters and post cards at a community center and by snowball sampling. In total, 47 residents attended at least one of eight GLA sessions held over a five-month time period. The majority were women. Outcomes were reflections, suggestions and actions for change. Results Themes were: resident pride of the area, the importance of communication and of places to meet, a feeling of being abandoned by society, and a desire for more collaboration between schools and parents. Immediate results were a language café and inquiries from the community about information regarding teeth, food and health. When the results were presented for stakeholders in a report and an exhibition, new collaborations were founded and old were refreshed. Conclusions GLA helped residents identify what they thought valuable and relevant concerning health issues and supported them in taking actions to achieve change. Key messages Participatory processes that directly engage community residents can result in fruitful discussions and actions. Methodologies like GLA that support such processes may contribute to closing the health gap.

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