
Review question/objective The objective of this review is to identify the meaningfulness of health professionals’ experiences of teamwork education in acute hospital settings. Types of participants This review will consider studies that include registered health professionals who work in acute hospitals. This includes medical, nursing and midwifery and allied health professionals. Phenomena of interest This review will consider studies that investigate the experiences and reflections of health professionals who are involved in teamwork education in acute hospital settings. This will include the experiences of education that is provided within teams of the same professions such as nursing teams and in interprofessional teams (including medical, nursing and allied health staff) who work in wards and departments in acute hospital settings. The range of teamwork education that will be considered include informal teamwork education opportunities within a team such as those that could aim to improve communication skills to formalized organizationally driven teamwork education programs such as TeamSTEPPS®. Studies that include specific education strategies will also be explored such as the use of simulation scenarios to focus on teamwork skills such as leadership, situational awareness and designated roles in complex clinical contexts. Context The review will focus on qualitative research findings reported as themes/categories in included studies that relate to health professionals experience of teamwork education in acute hospital settings.

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