
Physical fitness is one of the factors essential for good health and active life. Physical activity and physical fitness are interrelated in the application and health benefits. This study aims to assess the freshmen students’ current physical fitness and determine their physical skill capabilities. Department of Education’s (DepEd) Physical Fitness Test Manual was used as a guide in developing the assessing instrument. Established standards were used to gauge the physical fitness related to health. There are five (5) health-related components of fitness: body composition, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, and muscular endurance. Skills have six (6) components: agility, balance, coordination, speed, power, and reaction time. The tests were administered to 52 college students out of 100 students who are in their freshmen. Results show that 70% are physically fit, while 30% are not fit. Although most or 33 of the students’ body composition is within the normal range, ten (10) students are underweight, while seven (7) are overweight, and two (2) are obese. Strength tests of 21 students revealed that they did not pass the push-ups test, while 52 or all of them did not pass their curl-up test. These results suggest that the body composition and the strength of the students need improvement. Their lack of exercise could be a factor to consider in improving students’ body composition index and strength. The results of the tests show that students’ flexibility is normal, and their cardiovascular endurance is excellent. T-test results show that there is no significant difference in the skill-related fitness of 16 to 20 age range of students and the 21 years old and above.

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