
Abstract World experience shows that the means of physical culture and sports have a universal ability of a complex approach to solving problems of people’s health improving and formation of a sound psychological climate in labor collectives and in the community as a whole. Physical culture and sports is a preventive tool for health maintaining, promotion and prevention of various noninfectious diseases (cardiovascular, coronary heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, etc.) and bad habits (drinking, smoking, toxicomania, etc.). Moreover, as it is noted by American and European experts, the use of physical activity and sport in order to prevent morbidity requires very slight additional costs from the state. Currently, in Belarus there is an urgent need in drastic measures aimed at improving the quality of public health, formation of new guideline values in the youth, and in fitness culture development. Encompassing various forms of motor activity, fitness meets the needs of different social groups in sports and recreational activities at the expense of fitness programs diversity, their accessibility and emotionality. It promotes not only the motor, but also the general culture of the people involved. Possessing significant adaptation and integrative capabilities, fitness is a phenomenon of modern physical culture with a multifunctional impact on various spheres of public life. This favors its integration into all kinds of physical activities. Because of differences in the approaches of American, European and Belarusian practices in the use of fitness we propose improvement of public health by creating a cluster in fitness of Belarus.

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