
Physicochemical properties of sump oil polluted and remediated soil was studied. Five (5kg) of soil was polluted with different concentrations (00, 50, 150 and 300 ml) of sump oil. The physiochemical properties of these soils were analyzed before pollution and after pollution using standard analytical procedures.The result of physicochemical parameters of the unpolluted, polluted and treated soils showed significant (P≤0.05) increase which are as follows: organic carbon%: (0.97,1.69-2.15, 0.8-1.49 ) organic matter%: (1.68,2.92-3.71, 1.3-2.57 )Total exchangeable acidity (0.5, 1.2-1.4, 0.5-1.1)Total nitrogen contentmol/kg:(0.08, 0.14-0.18, 0.06-0.12),Cataion exchange capacity(3.14, 4.18-5.17, 3.78-5.76) Calcium contentmol/kg:(1.2, 1.6-2.6, 1.4-2.6),Potassiummol/kg:( 0.18,0.18-0.22, 0.17-0.26) show significant (P≤0.05) decrease for PH:( 5.65, 4.11-4.31,5.67- 7.2) and magnesium mol/kg: (5.25,1.86-2.66, 4.26-7.63) The study concluded that sump oil pollution significantly changes the physicochemical properties of the soil and hence impacts it negatively. Treatment with house hold waste remediated the polluted soil and reversed most of the negative impact of the pollution.

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