
E-cigarettes, also known as electronic cigarettes, are used as an alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes, also for quitting and reducing smoking. In e-cigarettes, the combustion of tobacco is replaced by e-liquid heating, which attributed to safer consumption of E-cigarettes than tobacco consumption. However, currently available evidence confirms that E-cigarettes if, healthier than regular smoking, seriously affect lung health. A new disease that can develop due to vaping has been recently registered - EVALI, which stands for e-cigarette or vaping use-associated lung injury. ECs exposure seems to have unfavourable effects on oxidative stress markers. And there are concerns over oral dryness, irritation, and gingival diseases in EC smokers. The aim of this work is to raise awareness to health risks of E-cigarettes and their impacts on our body. Methods: We have analyzed articles on pubmed and specialized textbooks in detail. We focused on both the impact of electronic cigarettes on various aspects of health and the description of these specific disease effects. Conclusion:The popularity of electronic cigarettes has been increasing globally and especially among young people. Therefore their long term negative effects on the respiration and cardiovascular systems should be thorougly investigated. Keywords: electronic cigarettes, vaping, nicotine, EVALI, oxidative stress, addiction.

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