
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) has given the Robbins Resource Recovery Company (RRRC) a permit to construct a Regional Pollution Control Facility in Robbins, Illinois. Site approval for this waste-to-energy (WTE) combustor has been granted by the Village of Robbins which is located about three miles south of Chicago. The facility is designed to operate continuously for 40-45 years, process 1600 tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) per day, and produce over 50 megawatts of electricity. Refuse derived fuel (RDF) will constitute essentially 100% of the operating fuel. The fuel preparation system is designed to recover 25% (by weight) of the MSW in the form of recyclable materials (ferrous, aluminum cans, glass, and compostables). Also, appliances, electronic equipment, household batteries, and lead-acid vehicle batteries will be removed. The air pollution control system for the two circulating fluidized bed combustors has been characterized by the USEPA and the IEPA as Best Available Control Technology (BACT) based on the following components: selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) to control nitrogen oxide emissions and dry flue gas scrubber (spray dryer absorber) and fabric filter baghouse to control emissions of acid gases (mainly hydrogen chloride and sulfur dioxide), particulates, and metals. In addition, activated carbonmore » injection will be used to control mercury emissions (RRRC, 1992). 10 refs., 3 tabs.« less

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