
Communicable Disease Control, Coronavirus, Health Education, Risk assessment, Self Care, Social Isolation, Social FactorsContact tracing. The identification and follow-up of persons who may have come into contact with an infected person, usually in combination with quarantine of identified contacts.Crowd avoidance. Measures to reduce virus transmission in crowded areas/mass gatherings, including restrictions on gatherings, and approaches for individual distancing in homes, shops, workplaces, public transport and public places.Isolation. Reduction in virus transmission from an ill person to others by confining symptomatic individuals for a defined period either in a special facility or at home.Quarantine. Isolation of individuals who contacted a person with proven or suspected viral illness, or travel history to an affected area, for a defined period after last exposure, with the aim of monitoring them for symptoms and ensuring the early detection of cases.School measures. Closure of schools when virus transmission is observed either in the school or community, or an early planned closure of schools before virus transmission initiates.Work measures, including closures. Measures to reduce virus transmission in the workplace, or on the way to and from work, by decreasing the frequency and length of social interactions. May include closure of workplaces whenvirus transmission is observed in the workplace, or an early planned closure of workplaces before virus transmission initiates.

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