
To design a composite health indicator on the risk of rabies virus transmission in the department of Meta, Colombia. Ecological, exploratory study. Data from secondary sources were collected from the databases of the Meta Department of Health and the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) for the period 2009 - 2014. The composite health indicator was created based on the normalization (logX) of the data and the selection of measures for the elaboration of three thematic indexes in the 29 municipalities of the department. They were integrated by means of the aggregation method, and their distribution was reflected in a geographical mapping with the zoning of the risk for rabies virus transmission in the department. In the classification of the composite health indicator on the risk of rabies transmission, the high level corresponds to 34% of the municipalities of the department, the middle level involves 17%, the low level, 28%. The municipalities without risk are La Macarena, Mapiripán, Vistahermosa, Villavicencio, Puerto Concordia, Granada and Puerto Rico, representing 21%. The high level of the composite health indicator on the risk of rabies virus transmission is found in municipalities of the Meta River sub-region, the Cordillera sub-region and the upper Ariari sub-region. These areas are characterized by high concentrations of animals, decreased coverage of rabies vaccination and circulating confirmation of the virus.

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