
Data in healthcare domain is highly sensitive in nature. Besides, there is need for maintaining integrity of such data. Blockchain technology has emerged to solve the problem of data integrity and non-repudiation with immutable storage in distributed repository. Thus secure data storage and retrieval in cloud environments is made possible using blockchain implementation. There are many existing healthcare systems with blockchain integration found in the literature. However, there is need for a system that supports complete set of operations that are governed by smart contracts. Another important consideration is that end users should be able to operate healthcare system without the need for knowledge of blockchain technology. Towards this end, in this paper, we proposed a Blockchain based secure healthcare data storage and retrieval system known as HealthBlock for cloud computing environments. We defined smart contract with underlying structures and functions using Solidity language for Ethereum blockchain platform. We also proposed and implemented an algorithm known as Healthcare Transactions over Blockchain (HToB). This algorithm supports secure blockchain based data storage and retrieval governed by smart contracts. Our system is evaluated using user-friendly web based client application. The experimental results showed that our system is able to ensure data integrity and non-repudiation besides reaping all benefits of blockchain technology.

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