
Abstract Chevron’s Gulf of Mexico Business Unit (GOMBU) is concerned with improving the fitness of its workforce. Lack of personal fitness is a risk to business operations due to cardiovascular related medical evacuations from offshore locations. Additionally, the more healthy and fit people are, the more likely they are to remain on the job and work safely. This paper describes progress towards achieving Fitness for Duty (FFD) by offering health and wellness programs and changing from a function-led collection of programs into an integrated initiative led by business unit leaders. As part of the integrated effort, we have leveraged and supplemented corporate programs to educate all employees on health risks, lifestyle factors and preventive action planning. Program elements have been aimed at increasing personal health opportunities (biometric screenings, fitness/nutrition planning, personal action plans, health coaching, and pedometer program) and effecting changes to the built environment (healthy meal choices, offshore cook training, fitness equipment for offshore platforms). Leaders have added the support and behavioral reinforcement needed to increase participation and are required to present monthly health topics identified to support "high impact behaviors". Initial empirical and anecdotal data support that positive progress is being made towards a healthier workforce over a 2 year period. Participation in the pedometer program ranges between 40–70 percent/month. Forty percent of employees have developed personal action plans. An increase in percent of individuals using multiple health resources is evident and a reduction in the number of employees displaying multiple biometric risk factors (3–5 factors). Employee interest in improving health is strong (4.34/5). Additionally, a significant number of employees are sharing personal experiences related to significant weight loss and health improvement with their peers. The business unit’s focus is facilitating a move towards a healthier workforce and a change in employee’s attitudes towards their personal health. Other business units and corporate programs can leverage the leadership focus model used in this initiative effect a health culture within the business. The integration of a systematic leadership focus in supporting behavior change will ensure that a wellness culture improves and thrives in a business unit.

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