
Longitudinal data and clinical experience indicate that a greater proportion of spinal cord injuries result in incomplete or resolving neurological lesions. Although it has been reported that persons with incomplete injuries enjoy better functional outcomes, routine contacts with these individuals indicate that many experience problems and complications strikingly similar to those with complete spinal cord injuries. Thus, to document the issues and needs of these individuals, data from Colorado's population-based spinal cord injury surveillance program were analyzed. Of 330 persons registered since January 1, 1986, 121 (37%) were found to be minimally disabled (Frankel class D or E). Review of medical records and follow up documentation for these individuals indicated that although over 75% were ambulatory and virtually all were physically independent, more than 80% did report problems in one or more areas: 21% had orthopedic issues and 17% faced additional spinal surgery; 16% reported neurological deterioration or increased spasticity; 25% had pain problems; and 16% had bladder difficulties. Other issues included bowel problems, blood pressure abnormalities, skin breakdown, sexual difficulties, depression, and unemployability. Implications for rehabilitation are discussed in the light of these and other findings.

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