
Purpose: To assess the clinical efficacy of endovascular angiosome-oriented wound-targeted revascularization (WTR) vs indirect (wound-indifferent) revascularization (IR) in diabetic patients with neuroischemic foot ulcers. Materials and Methods: Between April 2009 and July 2017, 167 diabetic patients (mean age 72.8 years; 137 men) with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (Rutherford category 5) and foot wounds (Wagner 2–4) in 194 limbs were prospectively registered and scheduled for primary infragenicular endovascular treatment. Specific angiosome source artery reperfusion sustained by patent foot arches or arterial-arterial connections was attempted initially. If this approach failed, topographic revascularization via available collaterals (WTRc) and IR were sequentially attempted. Results: Reperfusion was successful in 176 (91%) of 194 limbs (113 with WTR, 28 with WTRc, and 35 with IR); the global angiosome-oriented technical success (WTR and WTRc) was 73% (141/194). The mean follow-up was 10.9±0.7 months (range 3–12.5). Over 1 year, 102 (58%) of the 176 successfully treated limbs experienced wound healing [79/113 (70%) in the WTR group, 15/28 (54%) in the WTRc group, and 7/35 (20%) in the IR group; p=0.011]. The mean time to healing was 6.8±0.4 months in the WTR group, 7.9±0.6 months in the WTRc group, and 9.8±0.7 months in the IR group (p=0.001). Relapses were noted in 18 (16%) WTR limbs, 5 (18%) WTRc limbs, and 6 (17%) IR limbs. Comparison between WTR and IR and WTRc vs IR showed improved cicatrization in the angiosome-oriented groups (p<0.05). Major adverse limb events (MALE) and limb salvage were different between WTR and WTRc and between WTR and IR groups (p<0.05), while WTRc vs IR was not. Amputation-free survival was not influenced by the revascularization strategy (p=0.093). Conclusion: Wound healing in diabetic patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia appeared to be improved by intentional wound-targeted revascularization, but no uniform benefit concerning MALE or limb preservation was observed. IR still represents an alternative for limb salvage in cases in which angiosome-guided revascularization fails.

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