
7 Abstract. Since a power outage can impose damages to the economy, the value of lost load is much more than the cost of electricity not sold. Hence, efforts should be devoted to achieve a highly reliable energy delivery. Although a large number of power system outages occur in power distribution system, the FLISR mechanism is inefficient in many traditional distribution systems. This leads to late awareness of fault and outages, thus remaining the affected parts of the system without electricity for considerably long periods. Hence, first steps to inject intelligence into the smart grid should be started from the distribution system. In this study, a discrete event system is proposed to model the smart distribution grid operation, specifically to monitor the status of the system, using Petri Nets. Moreover, the proper actions for fault clearance and restoration of the network to the normal state can be obtained using the presented model. The operator is supported by information on fault and the performance of protections. The presented model also helps in reducing the time of fault clearance, thus increasing the system reliability. The proposed model enhances the self-healing ability of smart grid, by reinforcing the healer system, i.e. the FLISR process. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

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