
Headache is a prominent feature in mitochondrial disorders (MIDs) but no comprehensive overview is currently available. This review aims at summarising and discussing findings concerning type, frequency, pathogenesis, and treatment of headache in MIDs.The most frequent headache types in MIDs are migraine and migraine-like headache (MLH). MLH is classified as secondary headache. More rarely, tension-type headache, trigemino-autonomic headache, or different secondary headaches can be found. Migraine or MLH may manifest with or without aura. MLH is frequently associated with an ongoing or previous stroke-like episode (SLE) or a seizure but may also occur independently of other neurological features. MLH may be associated with prolonged aura or visual phenomena after headache. Except for MLH, treatment of headache in MIDs is not at variance from other causes of headache. Beyond the broadly accepted subtype-related headache treatment, diet, cofactors, vitamins, and antioxidants may provide a supplementary benefit. Midazolam, l-arginine, or l-citrulline may be beneficial for MLH. The pathogenesis of headache in MIDs largely remains unsolved. However, since migraine and MLH respond both to triptanes, a shared pathomechanism is likely.In conclusion, migraine and MLH are the prominent headache types in MIDs. MLH may or may not be associated with current or previous SLEs. MLH is pathophysiologically different from migraine and requires treatment at variance from that of migraine with aura.

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