
Since both stereoscopic devices and Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) use the diplopic projection which the separate images are presented on the left- and right-eye, it is revealed that the difference of binocular images caused the visual fatigue. In addition, the interocular imbalance, especially the sensory eye dominance, can also be connected with the visual fatigue by the photometric asymmetry of the binocular images. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the brightness asymmetry between the binocular images affect the visual fatigue and to explore how the sensory dominance affects visual fatigue. Wearing HMDs, participants were asked to view binocular images: one had 100% brightness, the other 50~90% brightness. They evaluated the visual fatigue on a 7-point Likert scale. As the result, an increase in brightness asymmetry between viewers’ left-eye and right-eye increased the visual fatigue scores. The relationship between the sensory dominance and the visual fatigue by the brightness asymmetry was different depending on the type of image. The visual fatigue increased as the brightness of images, which entering to the sensory dominant eye, decreased in the case of the black-and-white images. On the contrary, the visual fatigue was not changed in the case of color images in the same condition. This meant that the brightness contrast and color contrast had different effect on the visual fatigue. Overall, we suggest that the brightness asymmetry of less than 30% is suitable for a comfortable and positive viewing experience.

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