
Anticipatory head orientation relative to walking direction was investigated in humans. Subjects were asked to walk along a 20 m perimeter, figure of eight. The geometry of this path required subjects to steer their body according to both curvature variations (alternate straight with curved walking) and walking direction (clock wise and counter clock wise). In agreement with previous results obtained during different locomotor tasks [R. Grasso, S. Glasauer, Y. Takei, A. Berthoz, The predictive brain: anticipatory control of head direction for the steering of locomotion, NeuroReport 7 (1996) 1170–1174; R. Grasso, P. Prevost, Y.P. Ivanenko, A. Berthoz, Eye-head coordination for the steering of locomotion in humans: an anticipatory synergy, Neurosci. Lett. 253 (2) (1998) 115–118; T. Imai, S.T. Moore, T. Raphan, B. Cohen, Interaction of body, head, and eyes during walking and turning, Exp. Brain Res. 136 (2001) 1–18; P. Prevost, Y. Ivanenko, R. Grasso, A. Berthoz, Spatial invariance in anticipatory orienting behaviour during human navigation, Neurosci. Lett. 339 (2002) 243–247; G. Courtine, M. Schieppati, Human walking along a curved path. I. Body trajectory, segment orientation and the effect of vision, Eur. J. Neurosci. 18 (2003) 177–190], the head turned toward the future walking direction. This anticipatory head behaviour was continuously modulated by the geometrical variations of the path. Two main components were observed in the anticipatory head behaviour. One was related to the geometrical form of the path, the other to the transfer of body mass from one foot to the other during stepping. A clear modulation of the head deviation pattern was observed between walking on curved versus straight parts of the path: head orientation was influenced to a lesser extent by step alternation for curved path where a transient head fixation was observed. We also observed good symmetry in the head deviation profile, i.e. the head tended to anticipate the future walking direction with the same amplitude when turning to the left (29.75 ± 7.41° of maximum head deviation) or to the right (30.86 ± 9.92°). These findings suggest a combination of motor strategies underlying head stabilization in space and more global orienting mechanisms for steering the whole body in the desired direction.

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