
This work develops the Helmholtz potential A(ρ, T) for He4 below 0.8 K. Superfluid terms, related to temperature and momentum gradients, are neglected with negligible loss of accuracy in the derived state properties (specific heats, first sound velocity, expansivity, compressibility, etc.). Retained terms are directly related to a bulk fluid compressibility plus phonon and roton excitations in this quantum fluid. The bulk fluid compressibility is found from the empirical equation c13 ≈ c103 + b; P, where c1 is the velocity of first sound, P is the pressure, and c10 and b are constants; this empirical equation is found to apply also to other helium temperature ranges and to other fluids. The phonon excitations lead to a single temperature-dependent term in A(ρ ,T) up to 0.3 K, with only two more terms added up to 0.8 K. The roton potential, negligible below about 0.3 K, is a single term first derived 60 years ago but little used in more recent work. The final A(ρ ,T) is shown to fit available experimental specific heat data to about ±2% or better. The magnitude of the pressure-independent Gruneisen parameter below 0.3 K is typical of highly compressed normal liquids. Extension of the equation above 0.8 K is hampered by lack of data between 0.8 and 1.2 K

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